Saturday 2 February 2013

How To Keep Your Relationship Strong

Think about when you and your man first started dating. You probably anticipated his call with butterflies in your stomach and blushed every time he told you that you smelled nice. It was wonderful! Right?

Even though your married friends might tell you otherwise, that "honeymoon" phase really doesn't have to end. They probably tell you all about how after two years of marriage, all they do is sit around watching reality television at night while eating donuts and ice cream on the couch. This can be you, if you want it to be. But it doesn't have to be!

You can carry those feelings for each other for years, if you know how to keep your relationship strong. Now this doesn't mean that you won't go through changes as a couple, and start experiencing different feelings for each other. But, it does mean that your relationship can always be as intimate and emotional as it was when you first fell in love!

The best way to keep your relationship strong is to work at it. You can't be a lazy partner! You have to give as much as you take. Show him that you still care after months…or years…of being together by noticing the little things. Many people start forgetting about the little things, which is where the relationship can start going downhill. Bring him a care package when he is not feeling good. Rent the movie he has been dying to see the day it comes out.

Dress up in a hot outfit when he offers to cook dinner at his place. Leave a hot note in his car while he is at work. Make a surprise visit to him at the office, wearing a sexy outfit that will make everyone's head turn. When you work at trying to impress your man, you will be doing your part at keeping it fresh and exciting. After all, he is worth it, right?

Remember, being in love requires a certain amount of selflessness. If you can, try to think about your partner before yourself. This doesn't mean you should completely neglect yourself, because you deserve the best too! But, it does mean that you should put in the effort to keep it strong. Being with someone can bring on great benefits and rewards to you, but you have to give as well. The perfect balance is when you can give and receive in equal and satisfying amounts.

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